Survive & Thrive 2.0

Emergency Relief Funding For Small Businesses

To our small businesses, we believe in you, and we need you.

In 2021 there is still uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 global crisis. Due to the continued negative impact of the virus on small businesses, we are partnering up with the City of Colorado Springs to offer additional support to select businesses.

While the intent of the program, to show local support for our local businesses, remains the same some of the specifics have changed, so please carefully read the details and check the changes in eligibility. Survive & Thrive 2.0 COS provides recovery funding in the form of grants, mentorship, and holistic virtual programming to instill resilience and create strategies to make it through this winter and on to more prosperous times.

This program is a niche version of Survive and Thrive intended to provide resources to microenterprises (<5 FTEs) that are located in or serve low-middle income areas of our City. With $500,000 of the City’s C.A.R.E.S Act funding, this collaboration is intended to deeply support a few businesses. This program is not suitable for all businesses, so be sure to read all information carefully before planning to prepare an application.


This partnership provides up to $20,000 in grants to eligible small businesses and holistic programming to provide participants with both financial resources and community support to build back stronger. If awarded funds, business owners are expected to participate in the 2-month program and can expect their funds in two tranches, one at the start of the program and one upon completion.

Do not use the funds for: Pay off non-business expenses. Purchase personal expenses. Direct financing to political activities or paying off taxes and fines. Support of other businesses in which the borrower may have an interest. Contract work (ex. Funding construction projects etc.) Covering the same expense that is being covered by other relief funding 



Pay missed rent from March to January or for February or March.


Keep the lights on and the air blowing.


Retain or hire employees. Owners can pay themselves if records show their salary.


Maintain your facilities or workspace.


Program Topics

Topics will be explored over the course of the 8-week program. Applicants should be willing and able to dedicate the 2-3 hours/week necessary to engage with the program including weekly viewing of webinars, check-ins, and mentor sessions.


In Partnership With